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Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

Holy shit episode 100!?? I can't believe I'm here already but also.. this is only like one tenth of the show.. haha ha ....

Why is Shinichi complaining about cleaning his own house ..

H-how is this episode actually getting me to like ShinRan?? This is so unlike me

That woman has to be talking about herself or something because, knowing this show, there's no way Shinichi's first love isn't Ran

Love Sonoko in this episode. Like yes!! Manipulate Kogoro into doing your bidding!

Why are they all eating the pie like it's a slice of pizza. That is going to get so messy. Please use a fork (or spoon) and plate

Aww Kogoro was so worried when Ran ran into the fire 🥺🥺

Star • 4 months ago

ShinRan? idk it's giving stronger AsamiRan vibes to me. Ran gets immediately smitten with this woman, then dashes into a burning building to save her? It's not not giving gay vibes~

bari • 2 years ago

congrats, me. 100 episodes done.

strange guy • 1 year ago

7 months later I finally made it

Pussy Destroyer • 2 years ago

Conan's hint: Lemon pie

Varad • 1 year ago

The first century!
Lol, I bet Shinichi confessed to her that he liked Ran

strange guy • 1 year ago

8 days in august I watched this episode damn time flies

chamiyama • 2 years ago

Happy 100!